
Hey flutists,

Are you frustrated by inconsistent sound in your low or high range (or can’t play these notes at all)?

Do you get nervous playing for others? (auditions/playing tests...I’m looking at you)!

Do you struggle to play in tune or softly (especially in the high register)?

Do you want to be challenged in flute beyond your band class?

Hey parents,

Does your child lack structure or focus when practicing flute (or doesn’t practice at all)?

Do you see musical potential in your child but not sure how to nurture it?

Looking to supplement your child’s band class with more personalized instruction?

My mission is to guide students towards optimal enjoyment and progress in playing the flute. I strive to understand the strengths, struggles, goals, and interests of the individual and tailor my instruction to help each student get the most out of lessons.

I teach flutists of all abilities from beginner to adult. This variety keeps me on my toes and ensures I am always learning! My specialty is teaching intermediate students (2-4 years of flute study). I am passionate about teaching students at this level because this was the point when I went from that typical band kid who was thinking about quitting, to realizing that flute was something I could get really good at and enjoy more and more if I put in the time to work at it.

Meade Flute Studio is not currently accepting new students. You can contact me to request inquire about availability and join my waitlist!


Intermediate students are at a make-or-break period in your musical development. After a few years of playing, you’ve shown your commitment and that you’re not easily discouraged. Now is the time when hard work will set serious flutists apart from casual players. Intermediate students can tap into their passion for flute; whether you practice 50 minutes or 500 minutes a week, you know how to set goals and put in the work.

I help you assess your playing to set goals and show you practice strategies to reach them.

By High School, you may be serious about auditioning for All-State, pursuing flute in college, or you simply want to sound great on your band music or make a higher chair or band in school. This is when the music gets really fun! You will see your scale practice pay off when you realize that 90% of flute music is just scales!

I teach you not only how to play the notes and rhythms on the page, but also how to play expressively and bring the music to life.



The perfect student


  1. Ability to laugh at self

  2. Willingness to consider multiple perspectives

  3. Asks thoughtful questions and demonstrates curiosity

  4. Excited to encounter new styles of music

  5. Willing to be vulnerable and make mistakes

  6. A love of flute!


  1. Increased stamina for self-acceptance

  2. Skills and mindset for creative thinking

  3. Confidence in persevering to solve problems

Flute Skills Menu


We work through a variety of musical selections with a focus on tone production, finger coordination, articulation, tuning, rhythm, and musical expression. The content is up to you! I can recommend suitable etudes or method books, and these topics can also be explored through band music or your favorite musical style (Star Wars is great for triple tonguing)!


A balanced flute “diet” includes a little Bach and Mozart for sure, but I believe there is room for everyone at our musical table. We will explore a wide variety of musical styles and consider repertoire by composers from diverse backgrounds.


We will seek new opportunities to keep you motivated. For some students the weekly lesson is the ideal setting for making music. Other students enjoy participating in additional activities such as honor bands, competitions, recitals, virtual performances, studio challenges, and group classes. 


We will learn how music from different time periods is performed differently, and how you can apply your fundamentals to all types of music (What do a Bach Sonata and a Lizzo flute solo have in common?)


Students will identify strengths and areas of improvement in their own performances. At times we will switch roles, so the student becomes the teacher and must identify what the teacher is doing right or wrong on the flute.


We will use our knowledge of key signatures, scales and arpeggios to look for clues and unlock patterns that make flute playing (especially fast notes) so much easier!


We will get creative by making decisions about musical expression (there’s often no right or wrong answer, and it’s okay to choose a different way than your teacher). Composing or improvising are additional ways we can exercise your creativity. 

“I really enjoy my learning time with Tara and I think that’s the major thing when learning something is that you need someone who you enjoy learning from."

— Julie

“I have loved my lessons. Ms. Meade is an amazing teacher!”

— Hannah

“Tara keeps me moving forward by challenging me and providing any support I ask for.”

— Sue