A culture is most vibrant when its music is inclusive, not exclusive

Supporting Equity in Music Education



I pledge to offer reduced-rate lesson scholarships to up to 25% of my total enrollment, based on financial need, musical potential, and desire to learn.


Performance-based Scholarships

Highly-motivated flutists are encouraged to submit a video recording demonstrating their musicianship by playing one scale and one brief musical selection (1-3 minutes) of their choice. Performance-based scholarship recipients who also meet financial criteria will receive lessons at a 75% discount, to be renewed annually.

Need-based Scholarships

Need-based scholarships provide access to weekly private lessons at a 50% discount to students who meet criteria based on household income.



The MusicLink Foundation assists in linking promising students in need with professional music teachers for ongoing instruction. Students are nominated by their school, youth organization or parent. To preserve your financial privacy and ensure consistency, I process scholarship applications through MusicLink.


La Fundación MusicLink ayuda a vincular a los estudiantes prometedores que lo necesitan con maestros de música profesionales para la instrucción continua. Los estudiantes son nominados por su escuela, organización juvenil o padres.

Tara participa con esta fundación para reducir la tasa normal de lecciones por 50%. La inscripción requiere información sobre la necesidad financiera que refleje la elegibilidad para el Programa Federal de Almuerzo Gratis/Reducido. También se pueden tener en cuenta otros factores al determinar la elegibilidad financiera.